Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Witte Musuem

I decided to do more with my children. That was one of the reasons we decided to homeschool. Well, I haven't been great, or even good about it. I always have made an excuse...time, money, gas, disobedient children. Well, enough is enough. There will alway be excuse NOT to do something. That said, I now have "something" planned every month. This was the first month of planning. We went to the Witte Musuem in San Antonio. The musuem is having an Leonardo Di Vinci hands on exhibit. They (we) all learned alot. They were able to build bridges, test out a catapult, learn about early batteries...yes battery, water pumps,a cannon...Leonardo even came up with the portable multi known as a tank! That man was a genius! The exhibit let us touch and see "how" and "why" it works. They also have a three story science tree house. In the science house they learned about pullies, were able to produce a weather/news cast, downstairs, they washed their hands, and then "saw" what was left...gross! They have a real mummy in glass. You can build a wall with hyroglyphics and see if it can survive an earthquake. All this and more. It was a perfect place to take kids. Not alot of "just look, don't touch." The best part...w/a group of 10 or more children...only $4! That includes the Di Vinci exhibit. I didn't get great pictures because I don't know how to turn off my flash.


Unknown said...

For all those who need to know...I called Andrea while she was at the museum and reminded her to TAKE PICTURES!!! I like to pick on her, just FYI. I think it's sort of mutual thing.

Katrina said...

Wow! I haven't seen pictures of your kids in a while. They are beautiful and getting big! Love you all.